I'm joining On Deck as a Design Partner

April 22, 2021

I’ve been waiting to share this news and am excited to share that I'll be joining On Deck as a Design Partner! In addition to my current role at Webflow, I’m excited to work with designers develop and grow in On Deck Design (ODD), working alongside with Mindaugas.

Last summer I joined the inaugural On Deck Writing Fellowship. My personal experience in that cohort really solidified the vision of On Deck. Huge thanks to my experiences with Max, Tom, and Natalie. Serendipitously I reunited with friends who I didn’t realize were in the cohort. My experience with On Deck Writing reminds me of art school, a place where people with different perspectives and like-minded individuals converge in community. In addition, On Deck is so great at tethering your network and connecting you with people you never imagined. I must say the most joyful moment when I had a chance to ask Polina Marinova and she recognized me (I highly recommend reading The Profile)! You get as much as you personally invest in On Deck.

When Mingauas launched On Deck Design, I knew I had to be a part of this. As the role of Design Partner, I will get the opportunity to work with the fellows closely on their goals and help develop curriculum/programming. I am so grateful to be a part of the On Deck team and excited to get started.

If you’re interested in joining the next cohorts for On Deck Design or any other programs, you can use my referral link.

Proof of Concept: The 000 Series

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